Sunday, January 23, 2022

January Miles: Centennial Trail, Fairhaven, and Skagit River


The weather has been mixed for running in January, as is the norm. We've left behind the snow and ice of December, and traded that for rain, cold, fog, and dark. I keep getting my miles in as my virtual team pushes through Texas to the southern border, but it doesn't feel like that here.

Last weekend I decided to head down to the northern terminus of the Centennial Trail in Snohomish County and do a couple out and backs. The trail was not that busy and plenty flat.  My run was a bit of a struggle, as I just had a shot the day before. Not too remarkable, but glad to have the get up and go sufficient to get some miles in. In non-COVID years, last weekend would've been the Nookachamps Runs, I think.

During the week, when in Fairhaven, I've been running out to Bellingham and back over the water. The picture above is of the lights of the Taylor Dock, which heads out to Boulevard Park. This is now a fixture in the Bellingham trail system, and as I write this I'm reminded of when I used to have to wander the railroad tracks to make it down to Boulevard. The dock is pretty cool--on a sunny day, the mountains of Vancouver's north shore are clearly visible, and some nights I can see the ski slope lights up that way.

Today I did my normal loop out along the Skagit River. Very, very foggy, with limited visibility. A good morning nonetheless. Hoping to have a steady year with the miles.

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