Saturday, September 14, 2019

Baker Lake Trail

We hiked a bit of the Baker Lake Trail today, starting from the Baker River trailhead. Rain was in the forecast, but we lucked out there. The river on the Baker River was really moving. I was hoping to see sockeye, but no luck there. Perhaps if we went up the Baker River trail, instead of across the bridge and on to the Baker Lake Trail.

This is one of my favorite places, and I'm planning again to be at the 50k in a few weeks. Hard to say if I'll be able to keep doing that race each year, as much as I'd like to. The hardest thing about streaks is not the effort, but rather over time other commitments press for the specific weekend.

Going slow was nice, as I took a longer look at the big trees, and the places a bear might hide. There are a number of little cave like rock formations near the turnaround. No bears today though.

The best thing about today's hike was going with Carrie, Brad and Deb. Great to finally get out together on the trail.

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