Saturday, June 22, 2024

Washington D.C.

I've been pretty busy this year, but not at this blog. I'm going to try to get a few posts up, but the short story is my running has not been strong, but I've been to a few interesting places and gotten a few good runs in. Starting with...back in March, Washington D.C. As the above picture shows, I was back there for business, but whenever in DC, I always try to get in a run down to the Lincoln Memorial, by the Washington Monument and reflecting pool. It just so happened this year I was back during near-peak Cherry Blossom Festival time, and so the cherry blossoms were popping, especially over by the Jefferson Memorial. My run was a bit of jogging, walking, take a photo, and then start jogging again.

After Washington D.C., we drove down through the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, through North Carolina, down to Greenville, South Carolina. Pretty drive, but no pics. 


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