Monday, November 9, 2020

Fowl Run 10k - Virtual


This time of year traditionally is Skagit Runners' Fall Fowl Run. This year the race went virtual, like so many races, with the proceeds going to assist Helping Hands Food Bank, which serves the Skagit Valley. Special thanks to Heather, Craig, and everyone in the club who is helping to support this cause.

I met with Craig and a few others on Sunday to run the actual course together. We masked up, kept our distance, and so on. It was a beautiful morning to run along the dike and by the fields. The swans are back in town, honking and flying above in formation, usually about 30 feet up. Mount Baker was out in full force, and the air was chilly but not stirred. 

I ran with Craig most of the way, on the 10k route. We caught up a bit, talking about the events of the day, which principally is the election. I so hope for the day when there is less contention and more direction. We moved at a decent enough clip, for me at least. I came in at 55:09, and so I'm now able to average 9s, which is a far sight better than in some previous years. All this real running on virtual courses seems to be helping me improve a bit. Keep it up.

Hopefully next year we're all back together again, eating pumpkin pie after the race. Again, thanks to everyone who made this happen.

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