Thursday, October 29, 2020

Baker Lake 50k FA


Baker Lake 50k was canceled this year, due to the coronavirus, but I decided I'd run the course anyway, as I've been doing this every year since 2004. One year I'll stop, either due to a request from the body, or due to family obligations, but this weekend was free, and I was glad to get out and see the trail.

I showed up around 6:30 AM, and ran into Terry and their cute new dog. We talked a bit, and then I headed off alone, up and over the dam, and onto the trail. The trail was quiet, and I took my time starting out. I carried a hydropak and food, as well as a pole, for helping my ankle along if need be. It rolls so often now that I'm a little bit more fearful about longer treks alone on trail. I knew I'd see people eventually, but nevertheless.

The day turned out perfect, one of the best in recent memory. Views were long and the trail was clear. Running was eay--I'm in better shape than I've been the past few years, though only marginally so. I saw a few familiar faces who had the same idea through the day--Susan, Reed, Matt, Betsy, Delores. Smiles. There was also a hive of wasps which went after a number of people, but I fortunately escaped unstung. 

The trail itself was pretty busy--lots more backpackers than usual, and long dayhikers. People are escaping to the trail, for social distancing. It was pretty awkward passing, in the narrow spaces, as I'd pull my mask up and groups would turn sideways, with limited space to do so. That kind of encroached on the solitary experience of it all, but it was a fine day. The views of Baker were outstandin

I went faster on the way back, and but the feet felt it by the end. 8:27 round trip, and I think I was around 4:15 going out. Afterwards, I went to Annie's and picked up a pizza, and we sat and watched television.  Good day.

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