Sunday, July 19, 2020

July In Skagit

The trips around Skagit have continued in July.

Last weekend I was out the door at 3:15 AM, in hopes of seeing the comet Neowise. It was a beautiful, quiet start to the day. A clear bright light stood out in the sky, and I thought I'd found the comet, but turns out I was looking in the wrong direction and it was a planet. Originally, I thought it was Venus, but turns out it was Jupiter. That's pretty cool, of itself.

I completed a do it yourself, from the door marathon, in a grand circuit of Skagit. I headed out to Conway via the Dike Road, and then went all the way around the outer side of Fir Island, visiting both the south and north forks of the Skagit. Gorgeous day. I came back via Rexville and the farms near the tulip fields. Tired, I was. Saw a big snake.

This effort was sufficient for me to complete the Great Virtual Run Across Tennessee, a 1000 KM adventure I started in May. It has been grand, registering my miles each day and following along on the map. The GVRAT has really kept me out there--my distance has gotten longer, and I haven't had a zero day since April. Great community too. A buckle is on its way.

During the week, I visited the Skagit Flats down by Edison and Samish Island, in further pursuit of the comet. I eventually found it, with the help of a SkyGuide app and some helpful comments on FB. It is not a clear as Hale-Bop from the 1990s, but it is impressive and quite extra-ordinary. I've gone out three times since locating it, just to stare up some more.

I've also started identifying other sights--Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and other constellations, to name a few things. The other night, I happened to spot the international space station, ripping across the sky, as confirmed by my app in the moment. Way cool.

I am now on my way "back across Tennessee", with a goal of completing 1000 miles in four months. My approach is to do a run and a walk each day. Combined, these really keep my thoughts and health in order. It's been a good distraction from all the COVID news. 


Anonymous said...

Scotty! Big congrats on completing the Tennessee Traverse! Hope you post a picture of the buckle when you get it and good luck on the return journey. Somehow I lost my subscription to your blog, maybe I tried changing email addresses and never validated the new one. Anyway, I will get on that. Keep walking/running/exploring and blogging, you are an inspiration! Looking forward to catching up someday soon. -Seth

Scotty said...

Thanks Seth--the buckle is awesome, and I will put a pic up on the next post. Working my way to 1000 miles now, and that last "lap" of some 365 miles is pretty long. I'll give you a shout soon--want to hear about the latest H2O adventures!