Thursday, August 29, 2019

Little Bear At Cascade Crest

I volunteered at Cascade Crest last week, working the Little Bear Aid Station. This is at about mile 20. The aid station is operated by the San Diego 100 folks, who are terrific. BJ of Florida Gator fame is the chief operator. We went to school together in the '90s, and have an infamous history of misadventure. The stories pile up, but Saturday was just good times, no misdeeds.

The day was perfect running weather--a bit overcast, but not too cool. Most of the runners came in looking fresh. As one said, this is still early, as far as a 100 mile race goes. A lot of runners liked the sugar coated animal crackers. Little Debbies were also a hot commodity.

I hiked up to the top of Blowout Mountain, and looked around. I was hoping to see a bear or a cat, but not that day. We had lots of laughs, and were back at the fire station by 6 PM. It was great to see so many friends. The Cascade Crest brings everyone together, again.


Tim Lofton said...

Nice! Great way to spend a day. I miss wuorking aid stations out there. My son and I used to work the overnight ones, usually at Kecheelus. Fun stuff.

Scotty said...

I remember you two there, at least on one of the years I ran. I crawled in--probably 2007, as I feel like I was wet, miserable, and half asleep. It was great to come into your little outpost--the encouragement was much needed. Downhill from there for a while.