Thursday, January 31, 2008


First there was Festivus. Now there is "blogligation."
Blogligation is that sense of duty one feels to regularly post to one's blog. Sure, "blogligation" would not pass the Scrabble test. Still, it feels like a word, like it should exist, and I am determined to make it happen. So, today, five minutes after discovering the word, I contacted the folks at the Urban (link somwhere down there on the right), and I have officially submitted my word with appropriate synonyms and antonyms, for their consideration.
They really should charge a fee for reviewing submissions, or maybe pay people for the really good ones like mine. I can't imagine who reviews the submissions for a living. They wake up in the morning, have their coffee, get to work, and start reading emails with words like blogligation, prostipation (opposite of constipation), iGods, etc. My only hope is I can finally leave a permanent mark on our language: "Blogligation. I feel a blogligation to post SOMETHING!" (Submitted by Scotty R. from Mount Vernon, WA.)
By the way, the Urban Dictionary is for adults only.
So, this week the weather has been windy, with wind, and rain. I've been hanging out with my friend Gym. I am a member of the Young Men's Christian Association, which is very popular in Bellingham. If things clear up, I may go for a 21 or 31 miler at Lord Hills in Snohomish on Sunday.

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