Sunday, July 28, 2013

White River 50 DNF

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  I didn't make it to the finish line at White River this weekend.  Made it to Suntop, at Mile 37, but didn't make the cutoff.  I definitely could've made my way to the finish line, but I was moving slow.  If you know the course, you know from here it all downhill, followed by a plod through Skookum Flats.

I was nauseous for the first climb and descent. The left leg-hip issues persisted, so I could never climb too fast, or descend that way.  Some of it was fitness, some of it was a stomach that wasn't race ready.  I don't know.  The second hill was a real slog, with mostly walking.

Beautiful day.  Wildflowers, booming view of Rainier, happy faces.  While a finish would be good, I'm not too bothered by this. I just can't get too worked up about it. I am only getting back on the horse again, probably three months removed from not being able to run at all.  And I got in my longest run in maybe a year, on a beautiful day.  Plus, it was great to see so many friends.

1 comment:

  1. Most people would pick something a lot easier than WR when getting back on the horse. And 37 miles on that course is nothing to laugh at. Great to see you out there Scottie! Hope to see you again soon (and for longer than a mid-run conversation). Best, Seth
