Monday, March 11, 2013

Physical Therapy

I’ve had a couple sessions of physical therapy in the past month.  This is a long time coming. The goal is to make me whole. The pessimist in me is reminded of that Greek story where the guy has to  push a rock up a hill, as a punishment, but the magic rock always slides back down. King Sisyphus.

Anyway, the goal is to figure out what’s going on with my left hip, hamstring, and knee, and then chart a course for improvement.  So far, the focus has been on lower back muscles, and well as abductor stretches.  I’m hopeful for improvement, and I think the sessions have been great. I need to show a bit more discipline in carrying out the prescribed stretches twice a day. Will do.

Always room for improvement.

On Saturday, I ran and hiked a circuit around Blanchard Mountain.  Spring is near here, with a limited amount of snow up by Lilly Lake.  Winter took it easy on the Northwest this year, I’d say.  Sunday I spent in the gym, with a mild workout.  I’m not sure if I should be upset or happy with the slight aches in my quads.